Tuesday, October 13, 2009

نامه ای به اوباما برای جلوگیری از اعدام ها در ایران

دوستان لینک زیر یه نامه هست به اوباما برای تلاش برای جلوگیری از اعدام زندانیان سیاسی.
خواهش میکنم همه تلاشتون رو بکنید برای پخش این لینک



  1. Hello to anyone who is reading this note.I know that this comment is not worthful and nobody answer it and also nobody do anything. but this is just a little thing that I could do, to ask president Obama. mr.president how could you accept the Nobel prise and how can you sleep every night when you know there are lots of youmg Iranians(boys and girls) that are killing by Ahmadinejad,s guys. how can you talk to this murderer.This is a disaster.please Help us

  2. Hello Mr. president.I hope you hear young generation's voice of Iran. Please do some thing and ask the united nation to stop Iranian regim's crulty. they kill and hang our youth people without any reason. they get killed because they don't think and see the world the same as they do. please listen, you yourself is a father and you could understand what a father feels when he can not do any thing for his child.
